We have free onsite parking leading to our facilities which have been built with your pet’s comfort and care in mind. We promote a stress free environment as much as possible for all visitors, from those waiting for a consult to sick patients staying in our hospitalisation wards.
While you wait
While we try to keep waiting time to a minimum, the practice has been designed to make this time as stressfree as possible.
Separate waiting areas
We know most cats detest being eyeballed by dogs, likewise we know how much a cat’s glare can send some dogs loopy. That’s why we have separate dog and cat waiting areas.
We also have blankets that you can put over your cat basket and places to put them up off the ground to make them feel as secure as possible.
Anxious animals
We understand some dogs hate coming inside the vets. If your dog is happier waiting outside or in the car then we are happy for them to do so, just let us know you have arrived.
We know that you know your pet the best, so if there is something specific we can do to help keep the experience as stress free as possible then please just let us know.
Private consult rooms
If your dog gets wound up in the waiting area, then we will always try and put you in a free consulting room to help keep the stress levels lower.
Home visits
We offer home visits but recommend that you book at least 24hours in advance.
In an emergency we will always try to accommodate your request, but it is often better for your pet if you bring them to us, as we simply cannot bring everything we may need to them and treatment is a lot easier within the hospital.
Diagnostics and Treatment
Preparation Room
The hub of the hospital. This is effectively the area all animals admitted to the wards will pass through. Here your pets may have intravenous lines placed, bloods taken, swabs or skin scrapes. Pets may be anesthetized, prepped for surgery or have minor procedures performed.
Getting good images is vital in the diagnosis of many medical conditions. That’s why we have top of the range equipment.
- Digital x-ray. Top class images in minutes. Enabling our vets to get answers quickly.
- Ultrasound. Superb quality, superior skill. Whether your pet needs an abdominal scan or a heart scan then we have it covered.
Dental suite
Dogs and cats
Dental disease is common in our pets, with over 70% being affected by just 2 years of age. That’s why we have all the equipment to be able to deal with it. Whether your pet needs a descale and polish to prevent any progression of periodontal disease or they need to have some teeth removed we have the skills to do so. All our Dental packages include full mouth dental radiographs so that we can accurately assess and treat as required.
Advanced dentistry
Carly has a special interest in dentistry, meaning that we can carry out some advanced procedures that elsewhere would require referral. Advanced procedures that we can carry out include:
- Treatment of lingually displaced canines
- Maxillofacial surgery
- Treatment of jaw fractures
- Vital pulp therapy
- Total mouth extractions for advanced periodontal disease
- Dental composite bonding
Rabbits and other small furries
- As their teeth constantly erupt it is vital they grind them down to stop them developing painful overgrown teeth. Sometimes for various reasons this doesn’t happen. We have a full dental kit to allow proper examination of all cheek teeth and incisors and therefore treatment of any overgrowths.
We have a variety of laboratory machines enabling us to run many tests in the clinic, giving us same day results. Blood tests, urine tests, microscopic examination of samples are all undertaken within the practice.
Our Vet Jenny has completed her certificate of advanced veterinary practice with a interest in surgery, so she has made sure that our theatre is top notch. We even have two theatres to ensure that should an emergency arrive we can always get on with the job in hand. Procedures we can perform here include:
- Neutering (castrations and spays)
- Orthopedic surgery
- Cruciate surgery, including TPLO and lateral suture procedures
- Patella surgery
- Fracture repair
- Carpal arthrodesis
- Tarsal and partial tarsal arthrodesis
- Femoral head and neck excision
- Soft tissue surgery
- Mass removals
- Gastro intestinal tract surgery
- Anal sacculectomy
- Hernia repair
- Hepatic and splenic surgery
- Urogenital surgery
- BOAS surgery
- Thyroidectomy
- Advanced wound reconstruction
- Amputations
- Ocular surgery
- Cherry eye surgery
- Entropion procedures
- Enucleations
- Emergencies
- Caesarians
- Splenectomy
- Pyometra
- Blocked bladders
- Chest drains
- Polytraumas
- Fractures
- Foreign body surgery
We have separate wards for cats and dogs. If we have other animals admitted they can also be cared for separately.
Our cat condos meet the ISFM gold cat friendly clinic standard and have been proven to help reduce stress and maintain body temperatures.
We strive to keep stress in hospitalized patients to a minimum, that’s why in both the cat and dog wards they will not face one another. We also have pheromone diffusers plugged in and keep external noise to a minimum.
If your pet is suspected of having something infectious that could be passed to other pets then we will keep them in the isolation ward where they will be barrier nursed for their own protection as well as the protection of other pets in the hospital.

The place is beautifully clean, welcoming staff & an extremely friendly nurse called Matt examined my pet. I registered my APH with yourselves after seeing you on Facebook & I’m glad I did. It’s nice to go to a vets who care MORE about our animals than the pounds in their bank balance.
Kelly Asket

Book online
Book an appointment with one of our vets or nurses.
In an emergency, please phone the practice directly.

Find us at
Bury St Edmunds Veterinary Centre
Unit A, Autopark
Eastgate Street
Bury St. Edmunds
IP33 1YQ
We are open
Monday – Friday
08:00 – 19:00
08:00 – 16:00
09:00 – 12:00